玛丽安-和-卡尔-钻- 740
离开了, 卡尔·伯特,25岁“曼彻斯特足球之父”.“对,伯特和他的孙女 玛丽安·伯特71届.

曼彻斯特是我一生的牵挂 玛丽安·伯特71届  

卡尔·伯特,25岁 is a towering figure in 十大网赌正规网址 history. The “father of Manchester football” was a role model who molded the character of the young men he coached 和 inspired them to achieve more than they thought possible.

Marianne-BurtTo 玛丽安·伯特71届, who shared this earth with Carl Burt for the first 17 years of her life, “他是一位了不起的祖父.”

十大网赌正规网址’s new athletic stadium is just a short punt away from Carl W. 伯特纪念体育场在北面. Burt’s spirit will remain in the breeze of crisp autumn Saturdays to come, much as it has lived in Marianne’s heart since her gr和father died in 1966.

伯特家族血流成河, but Manchester was so intrinsic in their lives that they didn’t need to talk about it much, 回忆起玛丽安. 她的父母, 洛林的48吉妮瓦·吉布森·伯特49年, went to Manchester as did her uncle, 罗伯特·伯特,59岁. “I was hauled all over campus my whole life because we would go back for Homecoming,玛丽安说。.

Geneva liked to joke that her daughter attended two Commencement exercises at Manchester, 告诉玛丽安, “one when she was pregnant with me 和 the other when I walked across the stage myself without her help.”

Marianne’s parents 和 her gr和parents remained close to their core of Manchester friends throughout their lives. “We spent every New Year’s Eve” with Manchester friends, 回忆起玛丽安. “It was a generational thing, staying in touch with all of your friends at Manchester.”

Lorin grew up in North Manchester while his dad coached 和 taught at the college. Carl Burt took over the fledgling football program in 1925. Of the 27 male students who went out for the team, only four had ever played in a football game 和 most of them had never seen a football. If that discouraged young Coach Burt, he didn’t let on.

“我们走吧!” was Carl’s signature call to action. 在他18年的教练生涯中, 曼联取得73胜, 43负9平, 和 won four state college championships. 他的两个四分卫, 赫伯·巴内特,37届Don Lieberum ' 40, went on to play professional football.

Playing for Coach Burt was hard work, but it was also innovative. An admirer 和 personal friend of the legendary Knute Rockne at Notre Dame, Burt introduced the Rockne system at Manchester by 1928.

Not only did Carl Burt coach football, he started the formal physical education 和 recreation program at Manchester 和 exp和ed its intercollegiate athletic program. He also coached track 和 baseball, 和 was athletic director in charge of intramural sports. He found time to officiate in seven state high school basketball tournaments 和 was a Big Ten official for three years. In 1942, Burt left coaching to become superintendent of Warsaw Community Schools for 24 years.

它在华沙附近, 在水晶湖的岸边, that Marianne has some of her fondest childhood memories. 卡尔和她的祖母, 露丝, 在那里有个家, only two miles from Marianne’s maternal gr和parents. Eventually, Lorin 和 Geneva 在那里有个家, too.

“We spent all of our summers together at the lake,玛丽安说。, as well as weekends in fall 和 winter 和 all of the holidays. “My gr和father was a great storyteller 和 very family-oriented,玛丽安说。. “他是一个真正有品格的人. 他总能看到人最好的一面. I think he was able to bring out the best in people, which is one reason he was such a successful coach. 他爱人们.”

Marianne spent her formative years in Bloomington, where Lorin was an education professor at Indiana University. 他专攻校法, served as the executive secretary of the Indiana School Boards Association 和 lobbied at the Legislature when it was in session.

When it was time for Marianne to attend college, she didn’t go to IU because she wanted to go away from home. 曼彻斯特已经够远了. “I didn’t have a great desire to go anywhere else. 这只是一个自然的过程.”

在曼彻斯特, Marianne found the same kind of lifelong friendships that her gr和parents 和 parents enjoyed, including her roommate of all four years, 艾莉森·安格林,71届桑特纳. “It was a great social situation,玛丽安说。, an art major. “I have friends that I still get together with on a regular basis that were my original friends starting first term freshman year.” The friends rotate visiting each other’s homes for three- or four-day visits.

现在是COVID-19大流行, “we get together every two weeks on a Zoom phone call,玛丽安说。.

She also remembers fondly two of her favorite faculty members, Professor Emeritus Stephen Batzka 1962年, whom she visited when she returned for her last class reunion, 和 the late Professor Emeritus Max Allen’34, with whom she stayed in touch until he died. 定期去北曼彻斯特, 尤其是团聚的时候, is a Burt family tradition that Marianne upholds faithfully.

After Manchester, Marianne enjoyed a long 和 successful career in sales. 她住在新罕布什尔州的阿什维尔.C., for 23 years, but moved back to Indiana in 2015 to take care of her mother, who died in 2018.

By 梅林达·兰茨,81届