manchester otho winger experience 2023
Photo provided by MU

Otho Winger Experience Rocks Again in Cordier

Tristen Bronaugh 

Manchester University’s faculty and staff band, The Otho Winger Experience, 他们在5月1日重返舞台时表现出了自己的信心, after a five-year hiatus.

As the rain poured, 周一早上,学生们涌向科迪尔礼堂参加每周一次的VIA会议. This VIA, however, presented a different experience than anything previous; this session was the final musical performance from The Otho Winger Experience.

欧托·翁格体验乐队(OWE)是由十大网赌正规网址的教职员工于2005年组建的乐队. 17年来,乐队每隔一年演出一次, collaborating with students, North Manchester residents, and other staff and faculty. OWE的现任成员是MU的教职员工——包括现任和退休的——马克·布莱恩特, Greg Clark, Judd Case, Dan Chudzynski, Dave Hicks, Deb Hustin, Katharine Ings, Arturo Yáñez, 乔纳森·沃森和乐队的朋友托比·托拜厄斯.

在他们上次计划的演出因疫情而推迟之后, 终于到了OWE的最后一场演出的时候了.

Students, faculty, 工作人员和北曼彻斯特居民慢吞吞地走进礼堂, quickly filling the seats, 一些人穿着在入口处分发的新款OWE t恤.


人们的剪影走上舞台,抓起他们的乐器. 邦乔维(Bon Jovi)的《十大赌博正规信誉网址》(Wanted Dead or Alive)的音符开始了. 灯光突然亮了起来,舞台上的霓虹灯闪闪发光.

吉他和鼓点的声音在观众中回荡, Clark started to sing, “It’s all the same, only the names will change.” The audience erupted.

The deeper the OWE got through their set, the more involved the crowd got; Each song got its own special treatment.

仪式开始时,人群随着蒂娜·特纳(Tina Turner)演唱的《十大赌博正规信誉网址》(Proud Mary)的节拍鼓掌. 英格斯是主唱和舞蹈演员之一, 还有帕姆·海恩斯教授和凯特·艾森比斯·克里尔教授.

三人组在演出前一周进行了一次舞蹈排练,并在演出当天早上进行了一次排练. But that tight timeframe didn’t limit them. “Their dancing was amazing; it made me get up and dance,” said Que’shaun Julius, a senior.


当英格斯穿着她漂亮的红豹纹厚底高跟鞋回到舞台时, she sang “Somewhere Only We Know” by Keane. 这让大多数观众拿出了手机,打开了手电筒, all waving them in the air.

乐队继续演奏他们的经典歌曲, the cheers after each song were getting longer. Clark dazzled with his version of Pink Floyd’ “Time”; Ings wailed her way through the Cranberries’ “Zombie,” on which Watson took the guitar solo; Case brought a dance beat with “The Middle.” Hicks and Hustin paired up on “Wall of Death” by the legendary folk singers Richard and Linda Thompson; Bryant sang “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?托拜厄斯在他的架子鼓《十大赌博正规信誉网址》中演唱了主唱.’” That was only appropriate, 在试音期间,他的扬声器开始冒烟,乐队急忙把它从科迪尔的窗帘上移开.

在片尾,凯斯和英格斯搭档演唱了Journey乐队的《十大网赌正规网址》。.当观众听到这首歌的开头和弦时,他们欣喜若狂. 他们在整首歌中都保持这种状态,当克拉克演奏吉他独奏时,声音更大了.

OWE以披头士乐队的《十大赌博正规信誉网址》结束了他们的演出,由极具天赋的Chudzynski领导. Before he started the first verse, Chudzynski特别感谢了音效人员和所有帮助制作的人. 演出结束时,观众起立鼓掌,欢呼“再来一次”! Encore! Encore!” (“Hey Jude” was the encore.)

How did students feel about the performance? 大四学生布鲁克·鲍文斯(Brooke Bouwens)觉得她在曼彻斯特的时光终于结束了. “我一直想看他们表演,”她说. “我一直听说这个乐队很棒, 现在我看到了他们的表演,感觉我已经看到了一切.鲍文斯最喜欢的曲目是《十大赌博正规信誉网址》.”

大四学生兰妮·博斯纳(Lainey Bosner)很高兴能在舞台上看到OWE. “我一听说他们要表演,就知道我一定要去,”她说. “我们只在课堂上看到我们的教授,所以看到他们一些人的不同一面很酷.博斯纳最喜欢的歌曲是克拉克演唱的《十大网赌正规网址》(All-Star).

至于OWE,他们认为音乐会是成功的. “一切都很顺利,”英格斯说. “It felt great; we really appreciated the students in the audience.”

Clark agreed. “和这些有才华的人和欣赏音乐的学生一起演奏音乐真是太棒了,非常值得,” he said. “I think it was the best we have ever sounded. The crowd was amazing; you get energized when you’re up there, 尤其是当观众给你反馈的时候.”

During the Otho Winger Experience, each member got their moment in the spotlight, from impressive solos to funny monologues. 不仅每个成员的热情贯穿整个演出,而且观众也很清楚地感受到同样的感受.

很多人猜测这是否是他们的最后一场演出, as it’s rumored that every show is their “last” one; however, if this was OWE’s final performance, 能出席是我的荣幸.